Hi there! I am a first-year PhD student at EPFL's VILab, under the mentorship of Prof. Amir Zamir. Previously, I completed my master's studies at ShanghaiTech University PLUS Lab, , where I had the privilege of working under the mentorship of Prof. Xuming He. I also had the wonderful opportunity to spend time as a visiting student at EPFL's CVLab, working with Dr. Mathieu Salzmann.
My research interests broadly include Computer Vision and Deep Learning, with a focus on constructing robust and safe structure-prediction models under uncertainty. In pursuit of this goal, my current research work involves tackling learning problems such as learning with noisy labels, aleatoric uncertainty estimation, out-of-distribution detection, domain generalization and test-time adaptation.
I am always open to collaborating, please feel free to reach out if you share similar interests or want to discuss on relevant topics. 😊